Frequently Asked Questions


What is the main purpose of The Alavi Foundation?
Our purpose is to promote a better understanding of Islamic culture through the support of charitable and philanthropic causes in education, religion, arts and sciences. We do this by making contributions to not-for-profit organizations that promote interfaith harmony and teach Islamic studies and Persian language, literature and civilization.

How long has The Foundation been in existence?
The Foundation was incorporated as a not-for-profit in New York in 1973.

Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes. The Alavi Foundation is a charitable organization under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

Where does The Foundation get its money?
We receive most of our money from the rental income of an office building in Manhattan.

Does The Foundation give money to individuals?
We provide no-interest loans to qualified college/postgrad students.

What is the process for requests made to The Foundation?
Every request goes through an initial evaluation process by our staff. If the purpose of the request and the mission of the organization fit within our guidelines, the request then goes to the Board of Trustees for a final decision.

What are the deadlines for submitting proposals?
There are no deadlines. Proposals may be submitted at anytime throughout the year.

Does The Foundation make site visits?
Yes, we may make a site visit if we feel it is necessary.

When do the Trustees meet?
The Board of Trustees has 6 formal meetings throughout the year.

Does the Foundation fund international organizations located outside of the United States?
With the exception of Canadian organizations registered with the IRS, we do not make donations to organizations outside of the U.S.

Where can I find financial information about The Foundation?
The Foundation files form 990-PF annually with the IRS and the Charities Bureau Office of the New York Attorney General. Copies of the condensed 990-PF for the last six years are available on our website. Copies of the full report are available through or by contacting us to request that information.

Does The Foundation own assets outside of the United States?
No. The Foundation does not own or maintain any assets outside of the United States.

Where can I obtain a copy of The Alavi Foundation calendar?
Our Solar calendar is available through this website for online viewing by clicking here or by sending in an order form which can be obtained by clicking here. The calendar is ready for distribution each year before "Norooz" (the Persian New Year).